Why Do You Buy Bering Optics Phenom 640 35mm Thermal Monocular?
Thermal monoculars are night vision equipment that helps in detecting heat signatures. These devices work effectively in complete darkness or daylight. You can see through obstructions like fog and smoke through this monocular. Heat detection is a different phenomenon that allows you to scan large areas and find animals or people easily. The main factor that determines the performance of a thermal monocular is the resolution or the number of pixels in the thermal sensor. The more pixels in a thermal monocular will result in better resolution. Out of thermal monoculars, Bering Optics Phenom 640 35mm Thermal Monocular is one you should consider. Choosing Bering Optics Phenom 640 35mm Thermal Monocular This Bering Optics thermal monocular has PHENOM 640-35 handheld thermal imager which features premium standard, high sensitive Vanadium Oxide 640×480pxl 12μm pixel pitch LWIR core with an automatic shutter, HD OLED 1280×980pxl display, and a 35mm Germanium Lens. PHENOM ...